In our office, when we have a choice, we prefer to straighten a patient's natural teeth versus restoring them with crowns and/or veneers. Many times we can help a patient avoid large cosmetic work simply by aligning teeth that are hitting poorly. Sometimes we can help avoid failures in dental work by correcting a patient's bite prior to crown work.
Our office is proud to be able to give you a clear, convenient, and comfortable option to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.
Why Invisalign?
About the Invisalign Process
In our office we start with a quick consult to determine if you're a candidate.
Once we determine that Invisalign® is the right treatment to correct your concerns, we take a 4 minute digital scan and take a series of pictures. The whole appointment takes about 15 minutes.
It typically takes 2-3 weeks for your custom trays to arrive in our office.
As soon as we have them in hand, you come in for your "bump" and instructions appointment where we place attachments on your teeth that will allow the trays to apply the correct forces to the teeth to generate the desired movements for alignment.
We typically give patients 3 months worth of trays at a time.
I'm sure you're wondering how long treatment takes. Well, just like traditional braces... it depends. Many patients are done with treatment in 7-8 months while others extend beyond a year. How long each case takes it determined by case difficulty and patient compliance.
I'm sure you're also wondering how many hours throughout the day you have to wear the trays. Well clearly the movements don't occur when you're not wearing your trays. So for best results we instruct patients to wear trays for at least 22 hours per day. The only time the trays should be out is when you're eating (no more than 40 minutes).
Align Technology has been around for right at 25 years. Of all the clear braces products, we chose to become certified with Invisalign® because with more than a couple of decades worth of research and development, their product quite simply surpasses all others. The research they've put into their attachments (bumps) and their aligner plastic enables them to expand the arches and move the teeth in ways that other aligner companies can't at this point.